

Do you want to learn how to work with crystals?

You are invited to join my Crystals Classes and learn insights from my professional and personal experience working with crystals.

Level 1 Working with Crystals covers how to care for, select and work with crystals including making crystals grids and healing with crystals.

Level 2 Crystals and Chakras covers chakra basics, chakra healing with crystals and identifying and supporting your key chakras.

Classes meet in West Seattle Learn more at the Events section of this site

What Crystals Class Students are saying

Cristine has a warm and welcoming spirit which creates a wonderfully supportive environment for learning and sharing. I attended the Working With Crystals class and found it informative, fun and practical. If there was something Cristine didn’t know, she offered resources on how to find out what we were asking about and also followed up via email after the class. I see crystals in a different and supportive way now and want to learn more! I recommend this class!
— AC