Background & Training (Copy)
Background & Training
Usui Reiki Master trained all Reiki levels (I, II, Advanced and Master) with Usui Reiki Master and Sound Healer Daniella White
B.A. Psychology, Barnard College of Columbia University
Certified Crystal Reader with Doreen Virtue & Judith Lukomski
Certified Coach in the Linn Method for Clutter Clearing with Denise Linn
The Path of the Universal Shaman with don Oscar Miro-Quesada
Shamanic Studies with Lauren Nalder at Bastyr University
Shamanic Journeying with Sandra Ingerman
Shamanic/Spiritual Drumming Studies with Christine Stevens
Face Reading Intensive Workshop with Jean Haner
Dream Walking Course on Dreams with Toko-Pa Turner
Awakening Your Shakti with Lisa Schrader
The Power of Shamanic Communication with Lynn Andrews
Awakening Your Kundalini with Raja Choudhury
The Inner Goddess Activation with Raja Choudhury
Advanced Radical Energy Medicine with Cyndi Dale (currently studying)
Amplify Essential Energy to Heal Dis-Ease and Restore Balance with Cyndi Dale
More details here
Bio: Quest for More Joy
I began a quest to find more joy in my life in 2012. There were many aspects of my life in which I was happy, but just as many where I felt blocked and could feel my soul withering. I had been ignoring these gnawings of unhappiness for quite some time until eventually they began to manifest as physical discomfort. It got to be that each time I made a choice that made me unhappy, my body felt pain; the severity of this reaction started to rapidly increase with each choice that was misaligned with what my spirit needed.
I realized it was time to make a significant change in the way I was approaching my life. I knew with certainty I had the capacity to feel joy in all areas of my life, and I wanted to feel more fully joyful and alive, but hadn't a clue as to where to begin this quest. A friend introduced me to a talented psychic and a whole new world opened up to me. Suddenly I saw what I'd always known, especially as a child - that there is much more to life than what we typically see!
A spiritual retreat I attended further opened me to metaphysical concepts, some new to me and others that I'd long had an interest in, going back to childhood, but hadn't thoroughly pursued. I began an odyssey of immersing myself in learning, spending nearly all my spare time taking classes, reading books, attending workshops, putting what I learned into action and dedicating myself to my own personal healing. Each doorway I chose to pass through led to new and different doorways. As the Rumi, the 13th century poet and mystic, advises: I responded to each call that excited my spirit!
I was helped along by the universe in this journey towards more joy by what I like to think of as my own personal earthquake. A series of significant losses in multiple areas of my life occurred simultaneously. It was rough. My life as I knew it became suddenly unrecognizable. Each difficulty provided an opportunity for growth, understanding my own personal strength, long-overdue emotional healing and ancestral pattern breaking as I journeyed back to my soul, shedding many, many layers along the way.
This learning and internal work has been going on since 2012 and continues to this day. I imagine I will be learning every day of my life and my method is to take in each new learning and apply it within my own life and then within my healing work.
As a result of this spiritual awakening and deep personal growth, I found the joy I was seeking! Along with it came many bumps in the road, a deep sense of peace, and a switch from a successful corporate career to becoming the Intuitive Healer and Reiki Master that I now am. I am deeply grateful to have found my way here and am honored to support my clients in their journeys.