How can Olna support me?
Read here about client experiences
Intuitive Energy Healing Testimonials
A session with Olna is like drinking champagne without the hangover! Light & sparkly.
“Energy Healing with Olna is like drinking a glass of champagne without the hangover! You get all of the lightness and sparkliness, without the yucky stuff. She is one of my go-to healers.”
She is deeply intuitive, gentle, and effective
“Olna is at the top of my list of go-to practitioners. She is deeply intuitive, gentle, and effective in her healing work. I love that she provides feedback as she uses her skills. We have an easy rapport and trust which makes our sessions that much better, even in an event environment. She is focused on me as a client, not distracted by the bustle of a fair.
Her energy healing goes deep. Her crystal and sound work hit all the right spots. I look forward to each encounter, knowing I will come away so much better off.”
I received so much love, healing, and insightful information
“I had never met Olna before but when I came across her business I felt drawn to see her and knew that I needed to. I have been going through a spiritual journey of sorts and I just felt it in myself that I needed to have a intuitive healing session with her. I had some pain in my body (physically, emotionally, and mentally) and was hoping this session with be helpful and boy was it.
I loved how Olna greeted me and loved her presence. Right away she made me feel comfortable. I loved the space that she has set up for these experiences. The space is a safe, warm, and cozy space. She made sure that any questions I had were answered. She shared with me before my session even began messages that she had received for me from my spirit guides. She was able to answer questions that I didn’t know I had. She was attuned and focused but very sweet, caring, and nurturing at the same time. I received so much love, healing, and insightful information during my session. I really enjoyed my experience with Olna. I left the session feeling amazing and grateful. She provided me with pertinent information that I can incorporate in my spiritual practice and continue use moving forward. Things have been shifting for me and I am excited for what awaits.
I highly recommend working with Olna. She has a beautiful and loving spirit.”
I felt stronger in spirit and clearer of mind
“I recently had an intuitive healing session with Olna which left me feeling stronger in spirit and significantly clearer of mind.
She has a deep understanding of her intuitive gifts for shifting energy and identifying areas asking for attention or change. Olna was well prepared for my session, was entirely in the present moment by remaining focused and she communicated in a loving, nurturing and professional manner. She worked with my intentions rather than influencing them with her own agenda. I immediately sensed her integrity for knowing what my spirit and body wanted
Her space is a beautiful, calming love filled environment which truly supports the very sacred work she was meant to do.
I have been using and gifting her Cultivated Hippy Spiritual Products for months. They are pure, clean and effective and are my go to when I want to shift “in the moment”.
A heart full of gratitude for being connected with Olna”
She supported healing a lot of built-up old stuff in my body and life
“My one session with Olna was filled with love, caring, and healing. Funny that one encounter resulted in some big work for me.
Her intuition on what needed work was spot on. Her gentle method allowed me to relax into the energy flow. She identified an area in sore need of love, release, and compassion. The energy she sent healed a lot of built-up old stuff in the area of my body and my life.
I am grateful I met Olna and am looking forward to another session with her.”
I had a profound experience of relief
“For more than a decade I have coped with hypocalcemia as a result of a botched thryoid surgery. My medical focus has been on strengthening my bones and protecting my kidneys, but the most challenging has been the bouts of debilitating fatigue. I had low expectations that Reiki could help a body damaged more than ten years ago.
Olna’s professional, positive, and caring demeanor encouraged me to try a treatment with Reiki. Certainly, it was as relaxing as I expected, but I also found that I had an emotional release as we talked through different imagery that came up during the treatment. Once Olna got to my neck, I had a profound experience of relief, as if something had been missing and was renewed. My neck scar is so completely healed that it’s easy to forget the exact source of my difficulties, and so it was as much a surprise to have this reaction as it was kind of obvious that so much of my energy was caught up in the dysfunction in my neck.
The two weeks after the treatment were AMAZING. I didn’t have a single moment of fatigue, and I found myself thinking “This is how normal people feel!” for the first time in who knows how long. I easily doubled my daily activity without having to “pay” for it later. As time goes on, I’m able to mentally return to that memory of that feeling and a sense of grounding and calmness spreads through me.
Olna is clearly a gifted and compassionate healer, and I highly recommend her practice. If she can make that much of a difference for my complicated and chronic illness in just one session, I have no doubts that she can find a way to help anyone! ”
I found myself able to fully relax, focus, and regenerate
“I’ve gotten to know Olna in several capacities since 2011. As she has embarked on the journey of energy clarity and finding herself within its endless abilities, it has been wonderful being on the healing end of her practices. As an individual that works on my feet all day, I listen to others and provide gentle feedback as a profession. I find it far too often that time is not taken to heal myself.
Olna has the innate ability to focus her energy and healing on the areas that I need most. I found myself able to fully relax, focus and regenerate. Having had others perform Reiki or what I thought was energy healing before, my experience with Olna was absolutely different. I appreciate how much at ease and overall comfortable I am. Thank you so much for taking the time, Looking forward to my next session!”
I have chronic insomnia, and I slept very well for a few weeks after our session
“I was not sleeping well. I must admit I was a bit skeptical the first time I tried Reiki, but if it can heal me, I’m always game to try. Then Olna told me to relax and she held her hands over my feet. I instantly fell asleep, waking only every time I felt intense heat. I was so relaxed that I became disoriented and when I would wake up I had to remind myself I was having Reiki. I slept very well for a few weeks after our session. I tried it again (after being more rested) with Olna and the same thing happened. Now I am a believer!”
I experienced an incredible release of something I thought was behind me, and afterwards I felt lighter and happier
““This was my first time trying Reiki—I was initially nervous because I didn’t know much about it or how it worked, but I do know and trust Olna, so I made an appointment with her for energy healing, and I am very glad I did! It was such a lovely, enchanting experience, and I still feel better even after a week.
There were several things I felt needed some healing, and some physical symptoms and pain that were of concern for quite a while. I’ve been recovering from a pretty bad year, where nothing seemed to work out in any area. During this time, I experienced an unfortunate physical loss, and although I thought that the grief and sadness was behind me, I discovered while working with Olna that I was still carrying quite a bit of it with me. During our session I experienced such an incredible release of emotion that I wept for about 5 minutes. Afterwards, I felt lighter and happier— I still feel this way, and I am so thankful to Olna for letting that part of me go so kindly.
I felt safe and happy with Olna and I believe this led to a very successful energy healing. Some of the images she described I could see in my mind’s eye and during our session I felt as if I were floating. Afterwards I felt “clean” and sparkly!
I loved this and will do it again!”
Olna helped me find a true place of self-love
“I was going through a rough time and was in need for some clarification and nurturing. I just didn’t know where to go. A mutual friend of ours pulled me aside one night and said, ‘Go to Olna, she’s a skilled healer.’ I’ve known Olna for a few years and knew of her many talents in the business world but I had no idea how truly skilled she is at healing.
She has created a beautiful, peaceful setting to hold her sessions. I immediately felt calm and at ease. While I was lying on the table she described what she saw and felt, and each time she did this I immediately felt chills all over my body. Olna
helped me find my ‘happy place.’ A place where I can find comfort and nurturing; a true place of self-love.”
Olna is able to be in practice of healing with clear and pure intuition as her guide
“Olna is a dedicated student, a compassionate friend, being and mother, and, most important and vital as a teacher and healer, she can place all of the emotion of the former aside and be in practice of love, healing, empathy, and vision with a clear and pure intuition as her guide. She is part of a minority, one which is thankfully ever-growing.”
Olna is a powerful energy worker and wonderful collaborator
“Olna’s work brings lightness to me each time we work together. After considerable soulful, painful personal discovery effort, I wanted to do somatic work. I had felt the insights and wisdom I had gained were not fully accessible to me, because my body was holding residuals.
Olna is a powerful energy worker and in my experience also a wonderful collaborator. Our first session was a tag-team effort. What I sensed as an acute pain, Olna flooded with her healing energy and worked through it to release it. It was incredibly intense, and there was real trust and connection between us.
I don’t possess Olna’s gift for energy work, but when I share the insights of my own being, I know Olna’s gifts bring me closer to my own.”
I have had NO headaches since our session!
“Thank you so much for taking the time to help me heal. It was so relaxing to be in that room and have you work with me. I think/feel that the session with you helped me heal, because I have had NO headaches since then! Thank you so, so, so much!”
My son felt so comfortable with you
“It was so kind and generous of you to give my son the gift of your healing hands, mind & heart! Thank you for giving your time to do that! He felt so comfortable with you, and has benefited greatly from the work you did with him! Thank you so much!”
Olna is a truly gifted healer
“Olna is a truly gifted healer. I’ve had plenty of talk-therapy in my life (I’m 55) but every time I’ve made the decision to consult a psychic healer, I realize that this mode of spiritual counseling is far more beneficial. The very best experience I’ve ever had – was Olna’s reading. My romantic partnership has always been a bit of a rollercoaster ride due to very deep, complex and sensitive family of origin issues. I have received insight from other healers, but the best insight and guidance I have ever received came through Olna. She could see what was going on in my relationship very clearly. She identified the issues and made insightful recommendations. I had never had the words to help me express myself and my situation. After my reading I was able to take Olna’s clear and concise insight and communicate with my husband in a brand new way. The positive results continue to pour in. I feel very blessed to have had this reading. Extremely grateful and looking forward to future experiences with Olna. ”
Space Clearing Testimonials
It feels like magic. Against all odds, a lease was signed for each rental unit.
“I am a building owner with multiple, completely furnished, apartments catering to a mostly academic clientele. From the time of the purchase, the energy was off. The ownership was strenuous, with catastrophes happening in the building, and conflicting tenants. And for the first time, this August during the pandemic, with numerous cancellations, half of my apartments remained available for September.
That’s where Olna intervened, but don’t ask me how she did it. It feels like magic, but she actually cleared the energy in every available apartment. I can feel the shift. I also did all the work she recommended. And against all odds, a lease was signed for each before September 1st, in almost the same order as the apartments were cleared. But the real bonus came with the quality of individuals I found, and the gratitude I received for the work we did in getting those homes ready.
I am very grateful for Olna’s work. She ended up clearing every unit, including my own home. I will be calling on Olna again, the next time I buy a building, but then we’ll clear things from the start, and avoid some unnecessary chaos.
Clutter Clearing Coaching Testimonials
She kept us focused and moving forward, all with laughs and no judgement.
“I had finally decided to get my house together. After 9 roommates, an ex-husband, and a new live-in mother, there was a huge pile of things that weren’t mine mixed with things that were a huge amount of negative energy in my house associated with divorce and ex-roommates. I needed to call in the big guns.
I first called another person to help, a “clutter expert” and paid her to make my house even worse than it was before. She didn’t finish the job...she just relocated things and made me look like a hoarder to my clients that I work with in my house.
I found Olna and my prayers were answered. She found a way to keep us focused and moving forward, all with laughs and no judgement. She even helped change the negative energy in my house. We buried crystals, we centered the house with selenite, and we emptied all the needless baggage that was bringing me down. When we finished I swear I didn’t work out or eat less, but I had lost 10 lbs. from the absence of stress that the clutter had brought.
Not only did she help me purge, she helped me find appropriate places for my junk. She took anything with fabric away for me to a place that reuses it, and she helped me get rid of computer junk, and it was so helpful that she insisted on labeling everything I was keeping or giving away so it was easy to find and organize whenever she left.
If I ever get in a predicament like this again, I will definitely be calling Olna. I would recommend her to all my friends and family.”
Student Testimonials
Olna’s psychic reading hit the nail on the head for difficult issues I’ve been navigating
“Olna has been such a great addition to my life! She has a very sweet, cheerful energy. I’ve gone to her for a few Reiki sessions as well as a Reiki class. The Reiki was supremely relaxing and nourishing and I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to learn how to do it myself and spread the love!
I also had a psychic reading done and it hit the nail on the head for the difficult issues that I’ve been navigating and offered great and actionable guidance. I’ve been trying to figure out the best career path for myself and that was one of the topics I focused on before the reading, but did not tell Olna about. Spirit and Olna indicated a career path that I’ve been considering quite a bit, so it was very reaffirming. Olna has shown that she has worked hard on her craft and I highly recommend her!”
Informative, fun, and practical
“Olna has a warm and welcoming spirit which creates a wonderfully supportive environment for learning and sharing. I attended the Working With Crystals class and found it informative, fun and practical. If there was something Olna didn’t know, she offered resources on how to find out what we were asking about and also followed up via email after the class. I see crystals in a different and supportive way now and want to learn more! I recommend this class! ”
I enjoyed class and learned a lot
“I just wanted to give you a BIG THANK YOU for the Reiki Class you did for my friends and me. I really enjoyed it and felt like I learned a lot. During Corona I have been practicing on myself almost every day and I am really feeling more self-love, and freer and lighter than ever before. I just can’t thank you enough for the awesome class and perfect timing. I have practiced on a few friends and they keep asking for more!”